Thursday 7 June 2012

Collectables - showing your passion

So you've spent countless hours carefully selecting just the right items to make your collection perfect.  Now where and how to display it? 

When I think of displaying a group of items I put them in 4 catergories: Stand up vignettes, cabinet displays, a framed display or a collage hung directly on a wall. 

Standup Vignettes:
These next  3 examples illustrate what I refer to as a stand up display.  Situated on a flat surface such as a chest, table or windowsill, the collection is grouped atop of a tray or piece of glass to really define its presence.  I have mentioned before it is best to have items grouped in 3 or 5, unless of course there are too many to count quickly.   This perfume bottle collection looks stunning on a glass shelf near a window.  It draws your attention to all the unique shapes.


Having a collection doesnt mean you can't insert the odd non-matching item.  As long as it is still relevant to the other pieces, it only adds interest.  The photo below shows the majority of blue glass bottles, mixed with rattan balls and starfish which all fit in with the beachy theme.


This tasteful collection is unified by the colour white.  Again a beachy theme, this time with some glamourous touches. Notice there are 5 items in this vignette.


Cabinet displays

Open shelving just begs for an engaging display.  Whether it is located in a hutch or cabinet that is specifically built for it, creating an eye catching presentation is well worth the effort.  This one is simple, but suits the room.


Vintage cameras collections still seem to be a popular choice.  I especially like the way this one was done, using an old postal sorting station.


Framed Displays

Taking all your collectables and putting them in one large framed display and hung up is another option.  Again with the vintage items, here are alarm clocks nestled together. 


Here is a more feminie looking one done with keys:


Collage Displays

Exhibiting your treasures directly on the wall can also result in unique wall art.  Decorative plates are beautifully shown off in this method.  I love the assymetrical way they were hung up on one side of the chest on chest. 

This antique rug beater collection started off small but ended up occupying the entire landing of the staircase, and then some!

Here is a rustic yet elegant and understated feel done with a collection.

Displaying your collectables adds so much more personality to your home.  If you truly enjoy your collection, showing it off not only communicates something about you, but also is a look that is exclusive to you.   Not everyone will collect the same things, or put them together in the same way. 

Thanks for stopping by!

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